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Market Research and Information Group (MRIG)is a Delhi based young Market research fieldwork organization. Mr. Rajesh Berry and Rana Ranbir Singh promote MRIG.

Both have a wealth of experience in the field of Marketing Research, Property Reasearch, Social Research and Industrial Research.

  • Rajesh Berry
  • Rana Ranbir Singh

More than 20 years of Market research experience in operations- having worked in the areas of Consumer research, corporate research, Industrial research, Social research &, Advertising research. Was head of operations for leading International Market Research agencies.

  • TNS-MODE: (1984-1990) left the company as its Operations Controller.
  • FEEDBACK :( 1990-1995) As Operations Manager.
  • AC NIELSEN: (1995-1997) As Regional Manager Operations.
  • PATHFINDERS INDIA (1998-2001) As General Manager Operations.

(Since 2002 as managing partner for Market Research & Information Group which is independently handling Market research & consultancy projects).


- Product test, Usage & attitude and Brand Image studies on FMCG-child care, Hair care, health care, skin care, Oral care, Personal care, home care, Consumer Durables, Automobiles, Publication, Confectionery, Beverages, etc.

-Observation studies
  • - At point of purchase
  • - At homes, on Skin Care, child care, laundry cleaning habits etc.
-Mystery shopper studies for
  • - Cars
  • - Computers
  • - Consumer durable
- Auto clinic (Car/2wheeler)
- Tracking studies
- Customer satisfaction studies
- Price sensitivity studies (Cars, 2wheelers, FMCG etc.)
- Day After Recall (DAR) /Week after Recall (WAR) studies
- Retail Audits
- Study to understand habits and usage of Almonds in the Indian diet
- Census study in Delhi among all types of shops stocking bakery & Confectionary Products.
- Study to understand triggers and barriers to mobile communication
among lower S.E.C and income group
- Census study among Pharmaceutical distributor in Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan,
Haryana & UP.
- Study to analyze the current conventional & Hybrid rice seeds market in terms of current usage, motivators/growth drivers and barriers towards Hybrid rice.
- On-line studies on
  • - Current social issues(Valentine day celebrations, extra marital affairs).
  • - Readers opinion for a specific publication for a media house.


- Study to understand solid waste management & logistics support required by all units in the industrial areas of Haridwar & Pantnagar.
- Customer satisfaction study for a manufacturer of following Products-Transmitters, Converters, Micromotion & flow meters, Online Liquid and Gas analyzers
- Customer satisfaction study among customers of a Steel Manufacturer.
- Demand estimation & feasibility for a domestic all cargo Airline.
- Market study on the international cargo industry for cargo forwarding business.
- Market size estimation for skin and neural care products.
- Demand estimation Study for a lifestyle shopping mall in kolkata.
- Demand estimation Study for an exclusive Fashion Boulevard in Delhi.
- Feasibility & demand & supply estimation for a commercial cum residential Cum shopping mall cum entertainment complex of international standards.
- Feasibility, concept testing & demand estimation for a privately promoted ,Industrial estate.
- Demand & Supply for IT related construction services.
- Demand estimation study for an integrated township development in Ghaziabad.
- Study to understand housing preference, for location and property type in Raipur for developing a township.

Most assignments required interactions with Central and State Govt. departments, Chambers of Trade & Commerce, Industrial Development Corporations and other local statutory agencies and key players for obtaining information and opinions

More than 10 years of Market research experience having worked in the areas of Consumer research, corporate research, Social research, advertising research & Trade research. Has worked with AC Nielsen as its Field Executive and then as a Senior Field Executive from 1994-2001.

(Since 2002 as managing partner for Market Research & Information Group which is independently handling Market research & consultancy projects).


- Product test, U&A and Brand Image studies FMCG,child care, Hair care, skin care, oral care, fabric care, beverages, confectionery, consumer durables,, Automobiles etc.
- Tracking studies
- DAR/WAR studies
- Studies on Advt.effectiveness
- Study among professional still & video camera users
- Customer satisfaction studies.
- Study to understand triggers and barriers to mobile communication among lower S.E.C and income group
- Study among users of SMSs in vernacular languages
- Study among farmers on Pesticides for Cotton Pest.
- Listing of Tractor owners in various states.
- Census study of Chemists in 40 cities of Rajasthan, Haryana, U.P. and Punjab.
- Census study among shops stocking Cameras and cells (Photo studio, General store, Pan shops etc.)
- Census study of shops selling garments in 5 districts of Rajasthan.
- Census (Pharmaceuticals, camera & Magnetic tapes)
- CATI (Computer Aided Telephonic Interviews)
- CAPI (Computer Aided Pursuation Interviews)
- Social Research
- NFHS (National family Health survey)
- Benchmark study on primary Health worker performance
- Family planning survey
- Rural Health survey
- Agricultural Research

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